"Detroit's Own" Polar Bear Memorial Association American North Russia Expeditionary Force



Military Decorations
Awarded to Members of the "Polar Bears"
World War I American North Russian Expeditionary Forces (ANREF)

The alphabetical list of 174 names in the table below have been consolidated from four sources: "The American Expedition Fighting the Bolsheviki" , "Quartered in Hell: The Story of American North Russian Expeditionary Force 1918-1919""Michigan in the World War" and the Military Times "Hall of Valor".

I cannot guarantee that this list is all-inclusive, but it has been compiled from the best available sources.

If a Citation is indicated as being available for an individual, click on the Yes link and then scroll further down, if necessary, to find and read it .

I am in the process of creating a separate web page listing the 67 American North Russia Expeditionary Force Silver Star recipients.  The source of this information is the Military Times "Hall of Valor" searchable database of US Military valor award citations - here are their search results for the ANREF Silver Star  recipienst.  You can click here to browse  the web page (still a work in progress) that lists the ANREF Silver Star  recipients and read their citations.  These ANREF soldiers were originally awarded what was known as the Citation Star, which was a silver star device pinned to the World War I Victory Medal ribbon to  recognize acts of valor that did not meet the criteria for the Medal of Honor or Distinguished Service Cross.  On July 19, 1932 the United States Secretary of War approved the Silver Star to replace the Citation Star, meaning that their original award was changed to what we know as today's Silver Star valor award.  Silver star devices were awarded  for service during World War II, but only as an  attachment to campaign medal ribbons, in lieu of five bronze service stars.

I wish to thank Sue DeHaan for her help in providing the Citation transcriptions from "Michigan in the World War" .

I have begun an attempt to list the names of those who were know to have received non-fatal wounds as the result of enemy action. These men would have been awarded the "Wound Chevron" which could have later been exchanged for a Purple Heart. Click here to view the Purple Heart and Wound Chevron Recipients web page.

In addition to the twenty-three U.S. Army recipients of the Distinguished Service Cross (all listed below), three British and seven French members of the Allied Forces in North Russia were also awarded the DSC. Doug Sterner's "Home of Heroes" website has this page  from which you can browse all WW I US Army DCS citations.  

Mike Grobbel
10 July 2003
Last Revised: 29 July 2020 

Alphabetical Table List

      US and/or Foreign Decorations Awarded


Name Rank Unit





Adams, John C. Pvt. 1/c M Co., 339th Inf.      


Axtell, W. O. Lt. B Co., 310th Eng.    


Baker, John J. Lt. E Co., 339th Inf.   CdG     No
Bartels, Levi Sgt. K Co., 339th Inf.    


Bell, Charles Pvt. B Co., 339th Inf. DSC  


Benson, John Sgt. C Co., 310th Eng.    


Bergstrom, Berger W. Pvt. A Co., 310th Eng.    


Billeau, Ewald T. Sgt. A Co., 310th Eng.    


Bowman, William H. Sgt. B Co., 339th Inf. +DSC       Yes
Boyd, Robert P. Capt. B Co., 339th Inf.    



Burns, B. A. Lt. A Co., 310th Eng.    



Bush, Harrison Pvt. M Co., 339th Inf.      


Butz, W. C. Cpl. B Co., 310th Eng.    


Campus, George J. Bugler A Co., 339th Inf.    


Chappel, Charles F. Lt. K Co., 339th Inf. +DSC       Yes
Commons, John A. Lt. K Co., 339th Inf.    



Comstock, George E. Sgt. E Co., 339th Inf. DSC       Yes
Conway, John J. Capt. G Co., 339th Inf.      


Costello, Harry J. Lt. MG Co., 339th Inf.    



Cox, Aulbert D. Sgt. D Co., 339th Inf. DSC       Yes
Cronberger, David S. Sgt. MG Co., 339th Inf. SStar . . . Yes
Csatlos, Peter Sgt. A Co., 310th Eng.    


Curry, Joseph Sgt. M Co., 339th Inf.      


Danielson, Harold T. Cpl. A Co., 339th Inf.    


Darrah, Samuel H. Pvt. K Co., 339th Inf.   CdG     No
Doubek, Jerry Pvt. A Co., 310th Eng.    


DeLaney, Fred Pvt. M Co., 339th Inf.      


Dennis, Harry M. Lt. B Co., 339th Inf.    



Dittberner, A. H. Pvt. A Co., 310th Eng.    


Donoghue, Michael J. Major 339th Inf.   CdG



Donovan, James R. Lt. M Co., 339th Inf.   CdG  


Downs, Thomas C. Cpl. B Co., 339th Inf.    


Driscoll, James W. Pvt. 1/c MG Co., 339th Inf.   CdG


Dundon, Walter 1st Sgt. M Co., 339th Inf.      


Edvinson, Joseph Pvt. B Co., 339th Inf.    


Ellis, Leo R. Pvt. I Co., 339th Inf.   +CdG     No
Erickson, A. N. Cpl. A Co., 310th Eng.    


Everhart, Chester H. Pvt. 337th Ambulance Co. DSC       Yes
Fistler, Dwight Lt. I Co., 339th Inf.   CdG  


Franczak, Joseph Cpl. A Co., 339th Inf.




Frank, Arthur Pvt. MG Co., 339th Inf.   CdG     No
Fuller, Alfred W. Pvt. K Co., 339th Inf.   +CdG     Yes
Garrett, Charles E. Pvt. HQ Co., 339th Inf.    


Garton, George Bugler M Co., 339th Inf.      


Georgia, Otto Pvt. K Co., 339th Inf.   CdG     No
Getzloff, Frank Sgt. M Co., 339th Inf.   CdG     No
Giffels, William C. Lt. A Co., 310th Eng.    



Grahek, Matthew G. Sgt. M Co., 339th Inf. DSC CdG



Gray, John P. Sgt. M Co., 339th Inf.   CdG     No
Green, Robert L. Cpl. D Co., 339th Inf.




Grobbel, Clement A. Cpl. I Co., 339th Inf. DSC CdG     Yes
Hamilton, Harold H. Sgt. A Co., 310th Eng.    


Hanrahan, George Pvt. M Co., 339th Inf.      


Hartzfeld, J. A. Capt. Military Mission      


Hayden, Charles J. Sgt. I Co., 339th Inf.    


Hebner, Charles A. Sgt. M Co., 339th Inf.   CdG  


Helman, E. E. Pvt. K Co., 339th Inf.    


Henry, William. H. (d) Maj. Med. Detach., 310th Eng.      


Herman, E. J. Sgt. A Co., 310th Eng.    


Hinman, Guy Pvt. HQ Co., 339th Inf.    


Hodges, Fred Cpl. M Co., 339th Inf.      


Hopkins, Louis L. Pvt. HQ Co., 339th Inf.    


Horn, A. J. Mech. A Co., 339th Inf.    


Huston, William R. Sgt. M Co., 339th Inf.      


Jahns, Lewis E. Lt. K Co., 339th Inf.   CdG     No
Jondro, Benjamin Cpl. M Co., 339th Inf.   CdG     No
Kantrowitz, Jacob Sgt. M Co., 339th Inf.   CdG  


Keith, Lawrence P. Lt. MG Co., 339th Inf.    



Kenney, Michael J. Sgt. K Co., 339th Inf.    


Ketcham, H. T. Lt. H Co., 339th Inf.    



Kilroy, Lawrence B. Pvt. 337th Ambulance Co. DSC       Yes
Kliefoth, A. W. Lt. Military Mission      


Knight, William Capt. 310th Engineers      


Kowalski, Michael Pvt. H Co., 339th Inf.    


Kratz, Delbert Sgt. A Co., 310th Eng.    


Kukoris, John Pvt. I Co., 339th Inf.   CdG     No
Lawrence, Ray Pvt. M Co., 339th Inf.   CdG     No
Legier, E. W. Lt. C Co., 310th Eng.    



LePlant, Tobias Pvt. K Co., 339th Inf.   CdG     No
Lewis, Roger Capt. American Red Cross      


Lighter, Oscar Pvt. M Co., 339th Inf.   CdG     No
Little, F. B. Lt. Med. Corps 339th Inf.      


Lively, D. O. Major American Red Cross      


Mahoney, Cornelius J. Sgt. K Co., 339th Inf. DSC       Yes
Manderfield, J. S. Cpl. A Co., 310th Eng.    


Martin, Hugh S. Capt. Military Mission      


Mason, Fred Lt. American Red Cross      


McArdle, Clare S. Major 1st Btn. 310th Eng.    



McElroy, Thomas Pvt. M Co., 339th Inf.   CdG     No
McGuire, Russell F. Pvt. A Co., 310th Eng.    


McPhail, H. D. Lt. A Co., 339th Inf.    



Metcalfe, Harold C. Pvt. M Co., 339th Inf.      


Miller, Clarence A. Pvt. M Co., 339th Inf.   CdG


Moore, Joel R. Capt. M Co., 339th Inf.   CdG  


Morris, Jr., Pendleton S. Lt.-Col. 310th Engineers    


Morrow, James Cpl. B Co., 339th Inf.    


Nees, Fred A. Sgt. A Co., 339th Inf.    


Nichols, Jesse Brooks Major 339th Inf.   CdG, LoH



Nieman, William Cpl. M Co., 339th Inf.      


Nolf, Arnold W. Sgt. A Co., 310th Eng.    


O'Connor, Frank L. Cpl. M Co., 339th Inf.   CdG  


Odjard, Otto A. Capt. A Co., 339th Inf.    



Olmstead, Frank Mr. Y.M.C.A.   CdG  


Packer, E. L. Lt. Military Mission      


Page, Charles W. Sgt. M Co., 339th Inf.      


Parrish, Silver K. Sgt. B Co., 339th Inf.    


Pauch, Theodore W. Sgt. C Co., 339th Inf.    


Paul, Hubert C. Pvt. 337th Ambulance Co. DSC       Yes
Pavlin, Joseph Cook M Co., 339th Inf.      


Pellegrom, Howard H. 2nd Lt. H Co., 339th Inf. DSC       Yes
Peterson, Clyde C. Pvt. K Co., 339th Inf.   CdG     Yes
Peterson, Harvey B. Sgt. M Co., 339th Inf.   CdG     No
Phillips, Clifford F. Lt. H Co., 339th Inf. +DSC       Yes
Picard, Walter J. Cpl. M Co., 339th Inf.      


Pollats, George Lt. American Red Cross      


Powers, Ralph E. 1st Lt. 310th Sanitary Train




Pratt, Robert M. Cpl. M Co., 339th Inf. DSC CdG  


Primm, Clarence J. Lt. M Co., 339th Inf.   CdG  


Prince, Eugene Capt. Military Mission      


Pryale, Harry M. 1st Lt. C Co., 310th Engineers      



Rand, Ernest Mr. Y.M.C.A.      


Rank, Frank Pvt. I Co., 339th Inf.   CdG     No
Reese, Gordon B. Lt. I Co., 339th Inf.    



Revels, James F. Bugler I Co., 339th Inf. DSC       Yes
Riha, Chas. V. Sgt. M Co., 339th Inf.   CdG  


Riis, Sergius M. Lt. Naval Attache      


Rogers, M. B. Lt. Military Mission      


Romanski, F. J. Cpl. M Co., 339th Inf.      


Rompinen, John H. Pvt. M Co., 339th Inf.   CdG  


Rosenfeld, Joseph Capt. 337th Ambulance Co.   CdG     No
Rouleau, Ernest P. Pvt. M Co., 339th Inf.   CdG  


Ruggles, James A. Col. Chief of Military Mission      


Russell, William H. Cpl. M Co., 339th Inf. +DSC       Yes
Ryan, Chas. B. Lt. K Co., 339th Inf.   CdG



Ryduchowski, Joseph Cpl. M Co., 339th Inf.      


Schneider, L. S. Sgt. A Co., 310th Eng.    


Schwabe, Leo Pvt. M Co., 339th Inf.       CoSG No
Shaughnessey, Wm. C. Cpl. HQ Co., 339th Inf.    


Shillson, Gilbert T. Lt. K Co., 339th Inf.   CdG     No
Sieloff, Theodore H. Cpl. I Co., 339th Inf. DSC CdG     Yes
Smith, Albert M. Lt. B Co., 339th Inf. DSC  



Smith, Percival L. Lt. HQ Co., 339th Inf.   CdG     No
Smolinski, John C. Cpl. I Co., 339th Inf.   CdG     No
Soder, Herman A. Pvt. I Co., 339th Inf.   CdG     No
Spitler, Woodhull Lt. MG Co., 339th Inf.   CdG     No
Springsteen, Walter A. Pvt. HQ Co., 339th Inf.    


Starikoff, Alfred Pvt. M Co., 339th Inf.   CdG     No
Steele, Harry S. Lt. C Co., 339th Inf.    



Stephenson, Edwin J. Lt. A Co., 310th Eng.    


Stepnavski, Frank Pvt. M Co., 339th Inf.      


Stewart, Geo E. Col. 339th Inf.   LoH     No
Steyskal, Joseph Cpl. K Co., 339th Inf.    


Stier, Victor Pvt. A Co., 339th Inf. +DSC       Yes
Stoner, Geo. W. Lt. M Co., 339th Inf.   CdG  


Stover, Lewis E. Sgt. B Co., 310th Eng.    


Streit, Walter Pvt. M Co., 339th Inf.   CdG     No
Tibbals, Albert V. Sgt. A Co., 339th Inf.    


Trombley, Edward P. Sgt. A Co., 339th Inf.    


Tuley, Homer A. Pvt. 1/c 337th Ambulance Co.




Venable, Carl W. Sgt. L Co., 339th Inf.    


Waggener, James R. Pvt. HQ Co., 339th Inf.    


Walker, Geo. M Sgt. K Co., 339th Inf.    


Wallace, Floyd A. Sgt. B Co., 339th Inf.    


Wieczorek, Robert J. Lt. M Co., 339th Inf.   CdG  


Wilkie, Fred W. Cpl. K Co., 339th Inf.    


Winslow, Horatio G. Capt. I Co., 339th Inf.   CdG     No
Wolfe, Fred W. Sgt. K Co., 339th Inf.    


Wright, Wesley K. Lt. M Co., 339th Inf.   CdG  


Yates, F. W. Sgt. A Co., 310th Eng.    


Yohey, George Cpl. HQ Co., 339th Inf.    


Zapfe, Norman Sgt. M Co., 339th Inf.      


Zech, Clarence H. Pvt. 337th Ambulance Co. DSC       Yes
Zech, Theodore Cook M Co., 339th Inf.      


Zimmerman, W. Cpl. M Co., 339th Inf.      


Key to Military Decoration abbreviations          
Country Decoration Title   iation      
United States Distinguished Service Cross   DSC      
United StatesSilver Star (originally the Citation Star)SStar...
French Legion of Honor   LoH      
French Croix de Guerre   CdG      
British Distinguished Service Order   DSO      
British Military Cross   MC      
British Distinguished Conduct Medal   DCM      
British Military Medal   MM      
British Meritorious Service Medal   MSM      
Russian St. Vladimir with Swords & Ribbons SVwSR      
Russian St. Anne with Swords   SAwS      
Russian St. Stanislaus   SS      
Russian Cross of St. George   CoSG      
Russian St. Anne Silver Medal   SASM      
Russian St. Stanislaus Silver Medal   SSSM      

+ denotes awarded posthumously


(a) Chapter XXXVIII of "The American Expedition Fighting the Bolsheviki", compiled and edited by Capt. Joel R. Moore, Lt. Harry H. Mead and Lt. Lewis E. Jahns, 339th Infantry, 85th Division, U.S.Army. Published in 1920 (2,000 copies); Reprinted in 2003 by The Battery Press, Nashville, TN (300 copies).

(b) "Chapter 41, Extraordinary Heroism" of "Quartered in Hell: The Story of the American North Russia Expeditionary Force 1918-1919," by Dennis Gordon (Editor), Paperback: 320 pages, Publisher: Gordon, Otoupalik, and Schultz (G.O.S.), (January 1982), ISBN: 0942258002.

(c) "Michigan in the World War", by Charles H Landrum, MA, Published 1924.

(d) Dr. Wm. H. Henry, Jr., Lt Col, USA, Ret.

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ANREF Recipients of the U.S. Distinguished Service Cross and their Citations

Charles J. Bell, (Distinguished Service Cross) 2893884, private, Company B, 339th Inf., 85th Division. For extraordinary heroism in action near Toulgas, Russia, Nov. 12, 1918. After the blockhouse in which he and several other comrades were stationed had been hit by a high explosive shell, killing two and wounding five, and himself had been so severely wounded as to be blinded in one eye, he continued to remain at his post and fired his Lewis gun until relieved. This continued under heavy shell fire. (Foreign Decorations) British Military Medal. Residence at enlistment: Louisville, Kentucky.

William H. Bowman, (deceased), (Distinguished Service Cross) 2020842, sergeant, Company B., 339th Infantry, 85th Division. For extraordinary heroism in action near Toulgas, Russia, November 12, 1918, and on March 1, 1919. During the engagement at Toulgas, rather than order any of his men to take the risk, he personally delivered a message over a road torn and swept by machine-gun and shell fire. On March 1, 1919, when knee-deep in snow, and after he had been exposed for almost three hours to a temperature below zero and to enemy fire, he was mortally wounded while passing down the firing line in an heroic effort to keep up the spirits of his men. Posthumously awarded. Medal presented to widow, Mrs. William H. Bowman. Emergency address: John R. Bowman, father, Penn Laird, Va. Residence at enlistment: 313 Jefferson Avenue East, Detroit, Michigan.

Charles F. Chappel, (Distinguished Service Cross) lieutenant, Company K, 339th Infantry. For extraordinary heroism in action near Kodish, Russia, Sept. 27, 1918. Lt. Chappel led his men in attack against a superior force of the enemy. Disregarding all personal danger, he personally advanced upon enemy machine guns, then in action, thereby assisting in building up a firing line of the attacking force. He was killed while making this dash. Posthumously awarded. Medal presented to widow, Mrs. Zada H. Chappel. Residence at enlistment: Toledo, Ohio.

George E. Comstock, (Distinguished Service Cross) 2021117, first sergeant, Company E, 339th Infantry, 85 Division. For extraordinary heroism in action near Kodish, Russia, December 30-31, 1918. Sgt. Comstock went forward 200 yards in advance of our lines and guided back a man who had been blinded by shell fire, and was stumbling around in full view of the enemy, who were sniping at him. On two other occasions he went forward in advance of our lines, exposing himself to heavy enemy fire, and returned with a wounded man. Residence at enlistment: 1261 Brooklyn Avenue, Detroit, Michigan.

Aulbert D. Cox, (Distinguished Service Cross) 2021026, sergeant, Company D, 339th Infantry, 85 Division. For extraordinary heroism in action at Vistofka, Russia, March 3, 1919. Upon learning that two companies of the enemy had worked their way to the rear of the allied lines, Sgt. Cox, a patient in a hospital, voluntarily left his bed, secured a Lewis gun, and successfully held off the enemy until assistance came up. The daring act of this gallant soldier prevented serious losses from being inflicted on the allied forces. Residence at enlistment: Arthur, Illinois.

Chester H. Everhart, (Distinguished Service Cross) 2018995, private, Ambulance Company No. 337, 310th Sanitary Train, 85th Division. For extraordinary heroism in action near Bolshie-Ozerki, Russia, April 2, 1919. Pvt. Everhart went forward some 200 yards in front of our lines into an area swept by artillery and machine-gun fire to assist in bringing a wounded man to a place of safety. Residence at enlistment: 262 Horton Avenue, Detroit, Michigan.

Matthew G. Grahek, (Distinguished Service Cross) 2021862, sergeant, Company M, 339th Infantry, 85th Division, American Expeditionary Forces, Russia. For extraordinary heroism in action near Obozerskaya, Russia, September 29th, 1918. Sgt. Grahek voluntarily went forward about 150 yards in advance of our line, exposed to heavy machine-gun and artillery fire, and rescued a wounded comrade. Again on April 1, 1919, near Bolshe-Ozerka, Russia, he advanced alone with a Lewis gun against enemy snipers concealed in a ditch and routed them. (Foreign Decorations) British Distinguished Conduct Medal and Russian St. George's Cross (fourth class). Residence at enlistment: 160 Concord Avenue, Detroit, Michigan.

Robert L. Green, (Distinguished Service Cross) 2980317, corporal, Company D, 339th Infantry, 85th Division. For extraordinary heroism in action at Tulgas, Russia, November 14, 1918. He led an attack against snipers concealed in houses on the edge of the village. In order to reach these buildings, he was forced to cross an open space of 200 yards in clear view of the enemy. After reaching the buildings and locating the snipers, he alone charged the building in which the snipers were located and captured 14 prisoners. Residence at enlistment: Lincoln, Nebraska.

Clement A. Grobbel, (Distinguished Service Cross) 2051645, corporal, Company I, 339th Infantry, 85th Division. For extraordinary heroism in action near Emtsa, Russia, November 4, 1918. When attacked by a largely superior force, in order to deliver a more effective fire, Corpl. Grobbel voluntarily left his trench and took up a position on top of the railroad bank. Although exposed to heavy machine gun fire, he held his position and fired his Lewis gun until the enemy was repulsed. The conduct of this noncomissioned officer was an important factor in the successful defense of the position. Residence at enlistment: R.F.D. No. 2, Warren, Mich.

Lawrence B. Kilroy, (Distinguished Service Cross) 2019020, private, 337th Ambulance Company, attached to 339th Infantry. For extraordinary heroism in action near Kodish, Russia, September 27-28, 1918. Acting as a stretcher bearer to two companies of Infantry in actions against the Bolsheviks, Pvt. Kilroy for two days and nights made his way through swamps and forests to administer first aid and carry wounded to the dressing station. His work at all times was accomplished under sweeping machine-gun and intense artillery fire, making it necessary for him to crawl on his hands and knees for long distances. Residence at enlistment: 1248 Fourteenth Avenue, Detroit, Michigan.

Cornelius J. Mahoney, (Distinguished Service Cross) 2021686, sergeant, Company K, 339th Infantry, 85th Division. For extraordinary heroism in action near Kodish, Russia, October 16, 1918. After two unsuccessful attempts by patrols to locate the right flank of the enemy, Sergt. Mahoney went out alone, behind the enemy lines, at great personal risk, and selected an excellent position from which to deliver a flank attack. The attack delivered by 60 men from the position selected was highly successful. Residence at enlistment: 5314 Fourteenth Street, Detroit, Michigan.

Hubert C. Paul, (Distinguished Service Cross) 2019049, private, 337th Ambulance Company, attached to 339th Infantry. For extraordinary heroism in action near Kodish, Russia, September 27-28, 1918. Acting as a stretcher bearer to two companies of Infantry in action against the Bolsheviks, Pvt. Paul for two days and nights made his way through swamps and forests to administer first aid and carry wounded to the dressing station. His work at all times was accomplished under sweeping machine-gun and intense artillery fire, making it necessary for him to crawl on his hands and knees for long distances. Residence at enlistment: 193 Milwaukee Avenue West, Detroit, Michigan.

Howard H. Pellegrom, (Distinguished Service Cross) second lieutenant, H Co.,339th Infantry, 85th Division. For extraordinary heroism in action at Bolshie-Ozerka, Russia, April 2, 1919. Lieut. Pellegrom exposed himself to direct enemy observation and fire to go forward 200 yards in advance of our lines and drag a wounded medical attendant to a place of safety. Residence at appointment: 421 Columbus Street, Grand Haven, Michigan.

Clifford F. Phillips, (Distinguished Service Cross) First lieutenant, Company H, 339th Infantry, 85th Division. For extraordinary heroism in action near Boshie Ozerki, Russia, April 2, 1919. With a few men and 2 Lewis guns he held the enemy counterattack for an hour, until reinforcements arrived. He consistently encouraged and inspired his men by the example of heroism he set, refusing all aid when seriously wounded, to avoid weaking his small effective force. Posthumously awarded. Medal presented to widow, Mrs. Anna Kathryn Phillips. Residence at enlistment: Falls City, Nebraska.

During the attack on Bolshie Ozerki from the west by H Company, Lt. Phillips, "through the superb control of his men, kept them all in line and his Lewis guns going with great effectiveness and gave ground slowly and grudgingly, in spite of casualties and great severity of cold." During the fighting, Lt. Phillips received a chest wound, which nicked an artery in his lung. According to his Company commander, who was watching him when he was hit, "it knocked him down as if a ton of brick had fallen on him. He said to me, 'My God, I got it. Captain, don't bother with me, I am done for, just look after the boys'." Lt. Phillips was eventually removed to the field hospital in Onega, where he died on 10 May 1919.

Ralph E. Powers, (Distinguished Service Cross) First lieutenant, Medical Corps, 310th Sanitary Train, 85th Division. For extraordinary heroism in action at Ust Padenga, Russia, January 20-23, 1919. While his dressing station was burning as a result of having been struck by a shell, Lieutenant Powers successfully evacuated all of his patients, numbering 40. He then moved to a new location and continued to work for two days under shellfire until this station, too, was struck and he himself was mortally wounded, whereupon he gave orders that the other wounded should be removed first and that he be left behind until the last. Posthumously awarded. Medal presented to mother, Mrs. H.W. Powers. Residence at enlistment: Amherst, Ohio.

Robert M. Pratt, (Distinguished Service Cross) 2021896, corporal, Company M, 339th Infantry, 85th Division. For extraordinary heroism in action near Emtsa, Russia, October 17, 1918. In an attack on an enemy strong point, Corpl. Pratt led his Lewis gun crew in a gallant dash in the face of enemy fire, 80 yards ahead of the other members of his platoon. His section delivered an accurate and enfilading fire, which forced the enemy to retire. This act enabled his company to capture the entire enemy position. (Foreign Decorations) Russian St. George's Cross (fourth class), awarded by Commander-in-chief of all Russian Military and Naval Forces of North Russia, July 9, 1919: "In recognition of gallant conduct in the field and personal courage." Residence at enlistment: 1012 Bellevue Avenue, Detroit, Michigan.

James F. Revels, (Distinguished Service Cross) 2021610, bugler, Company I, 339th Infantry, 85th Division. For extraordinary heroism in action near Obozerskaya, Russia, September 16, 1918. Bugler Revels succeeded, after three others had failed, in delivering a message. In performance of this duty he passed through dense woods, exposed to artillery and rifle fire. Throughout the action he carried numerous messages to the flanks, always selecting the shortest route regardless of the dangers involved. Residence at enlistment: 1068 Hudson Avenue, Detroit, Michigan.

William H. Russell (deceased), (Distinguished Service Cross) 2021902, corporal, Company M, 339th Infantry, 85th Division. For extraordinary heroism in action near Bolshie-Ozerki, Russia, April 1, 1919. Corpl. Russell assumed command of a Russian machine-gun crew, in addition to his own, and held his position for 10 hours against determined attacks of a greatly superior force. When the enemy fire was so severe as to cause the Russians to temporarily leave their gun, he himself took charge of the gun and continued the fire. Posthumously awarded. Medal presented to father, William Russell. Residence at enlistment: 384 Moore Place, Detroit, Michigan.

Theodore H. Sieloff, (Distinguished Service Cross) 2021616, corporal, Company I, 339th Infantry, 85th Division. For extraordinary heroism in action at Verst 444, near Emtsa, Russia, November 4, 1918. During an enemy attack, when he was fired on from the rear, Corpl. Sieloff moved his gun to an exposed position and delivered effective fire on the enemy. Although exposed to enemy fire from two directions, he held the enemy in check until his gun had become disabled, when he dismantled it, replaced the broken parts and renewed his fire, repulsing a strong force of the enemy. Residence at enlistment: 251 St. Joseph Street, Detroit, Michigan.

Albert M. Smith, (Distinguished Service Cross) first lieutenant, Company B, 339th Infantry, 85th Division. For extraordinary heroism in action at Selzo, Russia, September 21, 1918. While leading his platoon in an attack on a strong enemy position, he was severely wounded in the side. Concealing his condition from the men, he continued to direct his platoon, fearlessly exposing himself to fire throughout the action which followed an unsuccessful attack. (Foreign Decorations) British Military Cross, List No. 55, dated January 9, 1920, British War Office: "For gallantry in the fighting on the Dvina river front during the Bolshevik attack on Toulgas in November. The company of which Smith was a member contributed greatly to the repulse of the Bolshevik attacks, and saved the Scottish and Canadian garrisons of Toulgas by reinforcing them at a critical time, after a long march under fire over swampy roads." Residence at appointment: Three Rivers, Michigan.

Victor Stier, (deceased), (Distinguished Service Cross) 2041538, private, Company A, 339th Infantry, 85th Division. For extraordinary heroism in action at Nijnigora, Russia, January 19, 1919. When his detachment was almost surrounded, Pvt. Stier went forward to a machine-gun position and opened fire on the enemy, checking their advance and allowing his comrades to withdraw. He was wounded in the jaw with a rifle bullet. He continued to fire at the enemy until ordered to the rear. He then, while under direct fire, dismantled his gun, and while going to the secondary position he received a second wound, which caused his death. Posthumously awarded. Medal presented to father, John N. Stier. Residence at enlistment: 97 Merrill Avenue, Detroit, Michigan.

Homer A. Tuley, (Distinguished Service Cross) 2019706, private, first class, 337th Ambulance Company, 310th Sanitary Train, attached to 339th Infantry. For extraordinary heroism in action near Boshie Ozerki, Russia, April 2, 1919. Tuley went forward some 200 yards in front of our lines into an area swept by artillery and machine-gun fire to assist in bringing a wounded man to a place of safety. Residence at enlistment: Detroit, Michigan.

Clarence H. Zech, (Distinguished Service Cross) 3019084, private, 337th Ambulance Company, attached to 339th Infantry. For extraordinary heroism in action near Kodish, Russia, September 27-28, 1918. Acting as stretcher bearer to two companies of Infantry in action against the Bolsheviks, Pvt. Zech for two days and nights made his way through swamps and forests to administer first aid and carry wounded to the dressing station. His work at all times was accomplished under sweeping machine-gun and intense artillery fire, making it necessary for him to crawl on his hands and knees for long distances. Residence at enlistment: 71 Burdeno Avenue, Detroit, Michigan.

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Citations of Foreign (French, British and White Russian) Military Decoration Recipients

John C. Adams, (Foreign Decorations) 2982408, private, first class, Company M, 339th Infantry, 85th Division, American Expeditionary Forces, Russia. Russian St. George's Cross (fourth class), awarded by the Commander-in-Chief of all Russian Military and Naval forces of North Russia. Residence at enlistment: R.F.D. No. 1, Mecosta, Michigan.

Levi Bartels, (Foreign Decorations) 2981800, corporal, Company K, 339th Infantry, 85th Division, American Expeditionary Forces, Russia. British Military Medal, List No. 55, dated January 9, 1920, British War Office. Residence at enlistment: 1723 Sixth Street, Muskegon Heights, Michigan.

John Benson, (Foreign Decorations) 2031393, sergeant, Company A., 310th Engineers, 85th Division, American Expeditionary Forces, Russia. British Military Medal, List No. 55, dated January 9, 1920, British War Office. Residence at enlistment: 180 Grand Avenue East, Highland Park, Michigan.

Berger W. Bergstrom2041488, private, Company A, 310th Engineers, 85th Division, American Expeditionary Forces, Russia. British Military Medal. Residence at enlistment: 776 Lincoln Ave., Detroit, Michigan.  Bulletin No. 30 issued on Feb. 3, 1919 by the "HQ, U.S. Troops, Archangel, Russia", announced that on Dec. 18, 1918, Pvt. Bergstrom, among others, had been awarded the British Military Medal by the Commander-in-Chief of the Allied Forces, North Russia (British Major General Edmund Ironside), "for gallantry in action and services rendered by American personnel operating with the DVINA Force."  According to Pvt. Bergstrom's military record, his British Military Medal was awarded "for conspicuous gallantry at Tulgolsk (Tulgas), Northern Russia on Oct. 21, 1918 and also for heroism displayed at the second battle of Tulgolsk (Nov. 11, 1918) in which he repeatedly crossed an area swept by machine gun and sniper fire to deliver messages."

Harrison Bush, (Foreign Decorations) 2047645, private, Company M, 339th Infantry, 85th Division, American Expeditionary Forces, Russia. Russian St. George's Cross (fourth class), awarded by the Commander-in-Chief of all the Russian Military and Naval Forces of North Russia, July 19, 1919. Residence at enlistment: 424 Chase Street, Flint, Michigan.

George J. Campus, 2041500, bugler, Company A, 339th Infantry, 85th Division, American Expeditionary Forces, Russia. British Military Medal. Residence at enlistment: Charlotte and Greenwood Streets, Detroit, Michigan.

Harry Joseph Costello, first lieutenant, Machine Gun Company, 339th Infantry, 85th Division, American Expeditionary Forces. British Military Cross, List No. 55, dated January 9, 1920, British War Office. Residence at appointment: 363 Jefferson Avenue, Detroit, Michigan.

Peter Csatlos, 2031412, sergeant, Company A, 310th Engineers, 85th Division, American Expeditionary Forces, Russia. British Meritorious Service Medal, List No. 55, dated January 9, 1920, British War Office. Residence at enlistment: 78 West Ninth Street, Holland, Michigan.

Joseph Curry, 2021847, sergeant, Company M, 339th Infantry, 85th Division, American Expeditionary Forces, Russia. Russian St. George's Cross (fourth class). Residence at enlistment: 518 Baker Street, Detroit, Michigan.

Harold T. Danielson, 2020761, corporal, Company A, 339th Infantry, 85th Division, American Expeditionary Forces, Russia. British Military Medal, List No. 55, dated January 9, 1921, British War Office. Residence at enlistment: 241 Lathrop Avenue, Detroit, Michigan.

Fred E. DeLaney, (Foreign Decorations) 2045853, private, first class, Company M, 339th Infantry, 85th Division, American Expeditionary Forces, Russia. Russian Medal of St. Stanislaus (silver), awarded by Commander-in-chief of all Russian Military and Naval forces of North Russia, July 9, 1919. Residence at enlistment: Portland, Michigan.

Thomas C. Downs, 2020852, corporal, Company B, 339th Engineers, 85th Division, American Expeditionary Forces, Russia. British Distinguished Conduct Medal, List. No. 55, dated January 9, 1920, British War Office. Residence at enlistment: 327 Goodwin Street, Detroit, Michigan.

James Welch Driscoll, 2022133, private, first class, Machine Gun Company, 339th Infantry, 85th Division, American Expeditionary Forces, Russia. British Military Medal, List No. 55, dated January 9, 1920, British War Office. Residence at enlistment: 206 Roosevelt Avenue, Detroit, Michigan.

Walter Dundon, 2021854, sergeant, Company M, 339th Infantry, 85th Division, American Expeditionary Forces, Russia. Russian St. George's Cross (fourth class). Residence at enlistment: 799 Monroe Avenue, Detroit, Michigan.

Joseph Edvinson, 2987071, private, Company B, 339th Infantry, 85th Division, American Expeditionary Forces (Russia). British Military Medal. Residence at enlistment: Gaastra, Michigan.

On October 23, 1918, when Bolshevik gunboats came down the Dvina River and started shelling the village of Toulgas, Private Joseph Edvinson of B Company was part of a crew at a machine-gun post when a shell hit. The rest of the crewmen then went back to report Edvinson's death. "He had gone up in the air one way, and the Lewis gun the other," wrote B Co. Capt. Robert Boyd. "We established the post a little farther back and went out at dusk to get Edvinson's body. Much was the surprise of the party when he hailed them with, 'Well, I think she's all right.' He had collected himself, retrieved the Lewis gun, taken it apart and cleaned it, and stuck to his post."

Alfred W. Fuller, (deceased), 2980106, private, Company K, 339th Infantry, 85th Division. American Expeditionary Forces, Russia. French Croix de Guerre with bronze star, under Order No. 29, dated March 20, 1919, French Troops in Northern Russia, with the following citation: "Fine conduct in the combats at Kodish on December 30 and 31, 1918. He volunteered to bring in the wounded. Was killed. (Next of kin: Mrs. Katherine Fuller, mother, 55 Elm Street, Trenton, Mich.) Residence at enlistment: 55 Elm Street, Trenton, Michigan.

Charles Edward Garrett, 2981463, private, first class, Headquarters Company, 339th Infantry, 85th Division, American Expeditionary Forces, Russia. British Military Medal, List No. 55, dated January 9, 1920, British War Office. Residence at enlistment: 828 South Rose Street, Kalamazoo, Michigan.

George Garton, 2021859, private, Company M, 339th Infantry, 85th Division, American Expeditionary Forces, Russia. Russian St. George's Cross. Residence at enlistment: 1304 Twenty-third Street, Detroit, Michigan.

William C. Giffels, first lieutenant, 310th Engineers, 85th Division, American Expeditionary Forces, Russia. British Military Cross, List No. 55, dated January 9, 1920, British War Office. Details of acts of gallantry performed: "During the operations of the 14th, 15th, and 16th October, 1918, on the Archangel Vologda railway, this officer worked with unceasing vigor and devotion to duty, repairing the railway. His behavior under shell fire was an example to all and had a most steadying effect. He had always proved himself a loyal and brave officer." Russian Order of St. Anne (second class), with swords. Residence at appointment: St. Johns, Michigan.

Harold H. Hamilton, 2052653, sergeant, Company C, 310th Engineers, 85th Division, American Expeditionary Forces, Russia. British Military Medal, List No. 55, dated January 9, 1920, British War Office.

Charles A. Hebner, 2021868, sergeant, Company M, 339th Infantry, 85th Division, American Expeditionary Forces, Russia. Russian St. George's Cross (fourth class). Residence at enlistment: 33 Missouri Avenue, Detroit, Michigan.

Guy Hinman, 2041429, private, Headquarters Company, 339th Infantry, 85th Division, American Expeditionary Forces, Russia. British Military Medal, List No. 55, dated January 9, 1920, British War Office. Residence at enlistment: 779 Lincoln Avenue, Detroit, Michigan.

Fred Hodges, 2054256, corporal, Company M, 339th Infantry, 85th Division, American Expeditionary Forces, Russia. Russian St. George's Cross (fourth class). Residence at enlistment: 526 South Front Street, Dowagiac, Michigan.

Louis Lee Hopkins, 2021990, private, first class, Headquarters Company, 339th Infantry, 85th Division. American Expeditionary Forces, Russia. British Military Medal, List No. 55, dated January 9, 1920, British War Office. Residence at enlistment: 1115 East Jefferson Avenue, Detroit, Michigan.

Michael J. Kenney, (deceased), 2121671, sergeant, Company K, 339th Infantry, 85th Division, American Expeditionary Forces, Russia. British Military Medal, List No. 55, dated January 9, 1920, British War Office. (Nearest relative: Mr. John Freeman, cousin, 1029 Grand River Avenue, Detroit, Michigan). Residence at enlistment: 68 Linwood Avenue, Detroit, Michigan.

Delbert Kratz, 2031455, sergeant, Company A, 310th Engineers, 85th Division. American Expeditionary Forces, Russia. British Meritorious Service Medal, List No. 55, dated January 9, 1920, British War Office. Residence at enlistment: R.F.D. No. 3, Chesaning, Michigan.

Claire S. McArdle, major, 310th Engineers, 65th Division, American Expeditionary Forces, Russia. British Military Cross, List No. 5, dated January 9, 1920, British War Office. Russian Order of St. Stanislaus (second class), awarded by the Provisory Government of the Northern Region. Residence at appointment: Homer, Michigan.

Russell F. McGuire, 2031462, wagoner, Company A., 310th Engineers, 85th Division, American Expeditionary Forces, Russia. British Military Medal, List No. 55, dated January 9, 1920, British War Office. Residence at enlistment: R.F.D.No. 2, Rosebush, Michigan.

Hugh D. McPhail, second lieutenant, 339th Infantry, 85th Division, American Expeditionary Forces, Russia. British Military Cross, List No. 55, dated January 9, 1920, British War Office. Residence at appointment: 807 Howard Street, Petoskey, Michigan.

Harold C. Metcalf, 2053815, private, Company M, 339th Infantry, 85th Division, American Expeditionary Forces, Russia. Russian Medal of St. Stanislaus (silver). Residence at enlistment: 127 North Michigan Avenue, Battle Creek, Michigan.

Clarence A. Miller, 2053885, private, Company M, 339th Infantry, 85th Division, American Expeditionary Forces, Russia. British Military Medal. Residence at enlistment: 430 Hamblin Avenue, Battle Creek, Michigan.

Pendleton S. Morris, lieutenant colonel, 310th Engineers, 85th Division, American Expeditionary Forces, Russia. British Distinguished Service Order, List No. 40, dated July 18, 1919, British War Office: "In recognition of meritorious services rendered the Allied cause." Russian Order of St. Anne (second class). Residence at enlistment: 352 Hampton Avenue, Grand Rapids, Michigan.

Fred A. Nees, 2020797, sergeant, Company A, 339th Infantry, 85th Division, American Expeditionary Forces, Russia. British Military Medal, List No. 55, dated January 9, 1920, British War Office. Details of the acts of gallantry performed: "At Spaskoe on January 24th, 1919, while separated from platoon commander, he took command of the platoon. During heavy machine-gun fire he was injured but coolly continued in charge and directed the movement of his men until relief came forward." Residence at enlistment: 42 West High Street, Detroit, Michigan.

William Neiman, 2021888, corporal, Company M, 339th Infantry, 85th Division, American Expeditionary Forces, Russia. Russian St. George's Cross (fourth class). Residence at enlistment: 81 Helen Avenue, Detroit, Michigan.

Jesse Brooks Nichols, major, 339th Infantry, 85th Division, American Expeditionary Forces, Russia. British Distinguished Service Order (companion), List. No. 40, dated July 18, 1919, British War Office: "In recognition of meritorious services rendered the Allied cause." French Legion d'Honneir (chevalier), by Presidential Decree of June 4, 1919. Residence at appointment: 1101 Vinton Building, Detroit, Michigan.

Arnold Wilson Nolf, 2031481, sergeant, 310 Engineers, 85th Division, American Expeditionary Forces, Russia. British Military Medal, List No. 55, dated January 9, 1920, British War Office. Residence at enlistment: Copemish, Michigan.

Frank L. O'Conner, 2021889, corporal, Company M, 339th Infantry, 85th Division, American Expeditionary Forces, Russia. Russian St. George's Cross (fourth class), awarded by Commander-in-Chief of all Russian Military and Naval Forces in North Russia, July 9, 1919. Residence at enlistment: 1096 Mount Elliott Avenue, Detroit, Michigan.

Charles W. Page, 2021890, sergeant, Company M, 339th Infantry, 85th Division, American Expeditionary Forces, Russia. Russian St. George's Cross (fourth class). Residence at enlistment: 641 Mt. Elliot Avenue, Detroit, Michigan.

Silver K. Parrish, 2020892, sergeant, Company B, 339th Infantry, 85th Division, American Expeditionary Forces, Russia. British Military Medal. Residence at enlistment: 1377 Hastings Street, Detroit, Michigan.

Theodore W. Pautsch, 2020978, sergeant, Company C, 339th Infantry, 85th Division, American Expeditionary Forces, Russia. British Military Medal. Residence at enlistment: 274 Peterboro Street, Detroit, Michigan.

Joseph J. Pavlin, 2032946, private, Company M, 339th Infantry, 85th Division, American Expeditionary Forces, Russia. Russian Medal of St. Stanislaus (silver). Residence at enlistment: 327 Lawton Avenue, Detroit, Michigan.

Clyde C. Peterson, 2981690, private, Company K, 339th Infantry, 85th Division, American Expeditionary Forces, Russia. French Croix de Guerre with bronze star, under Order No. 29, dated March 20, 1919, French troops in North Russia, with the following citation: "He displayed fine conduct at the capture of Kodish on December 30,1918. With some of his comrades he volunteered for a patrol that was sent out to select a position favorable  to the establishment of a machine gun emplacement. Two hostile machine guns were silenced and the enemy forced to evacuate Kodish which was subsequently occupied by the patrol after a march over open ground." Residence at enlistment: Sheridan, Michigan.

Walter J. Picard, 2021894, corporal, Company M, 339th Infantry, 85th Division, American Expecitionary Forces, Russia, Russian St. Anne's Medal (silver), awarded by Commander-in-Chief of all Russian Military and Naval Forces, North Russia, July 9, 1919. Residence at enlistment: 280 Helen Avenue, Detroit, Michigan.

Harry M. Pryale, first lieutenant, 310th Engineers, 85th Division. American Expeditionary Forces, Russia. Russian Order of St. Anne (third class). Residence at appointment: Pontiac, Michigan.

Charles V. Riha, 2021900, sergeant, Company M, 339th Infantry, 85th Division, American Expeditionary Forces, Russia. Russian St. George's Cross (fourth class). Residence at enlistment: 582 Twenty-fourth Street, Detroit, Michigan.

John H. Rompinen, 2050503, private, Company M, 339th Infantry, 85th Division, American Expeditionary Forces, Russia. Russian St. George's Cross (fourth class). Residence at enlistment: R.F.D. No. 2, Baraga, Michigan.

Ernest P. Rouleau, 2049446, private, Company M, 339th Infantry, 85th Division, American Expeditionary Forces, Russia. Russian Medal of St. Stanislaus (silver). Residence at enlistment: 200 Grand Avenue East, Highland Park, Michigan.

Charles B. Ryan, second lieutenant, Company K, 339th Infantry, 85th Division, American Expeditionary Forces, Russia. British Military Cross, List No. 55, dated January 9, 1920, British War Office: "For bravery in action. His coolness and initiative during the Allied attack upon the village of Kodish on the days of October 13th and 14th, 1918, were largely responsible for the success of the attack. With one other officer in the full knowledge that all but 15 men with him had retreated 690 yards in the face of a strong enemy counter attack on the evening of October 13th, he prevented the enemy from reoccupying with machine guns and many rifles a strong point on the south bank of the River Emtsa, the regaining and consolidation of which during the night would have been disastrous to the accomplishment of the operation and to the Allied Force. His encouragement of these few men by word and example strengthened them in their perilous position and thwarted the attempt of the enemy to recover ground lost in the panic of the surprise attack of the Allied Force that had just been executed." French Croix de Guerre with bronze star, under Order No. 29, dated March 20, 1919, French Troops in North Russia, with the following citation: "He displayed courage and excellent military knowledge during the combats of Kodish. He repulsed the enemy who opposed him with superior numbers. Was an excellent example for his men and largely contributed in the capture of the village. This during the period  from December 30-31, 1918." Residence at enlistment: 702 Morrell Street, Detroit, Michigan.

Joseph F. Ryduchowski, 2021904, corporal, Company M, 339th Infantry, 85th Division, American Expeditionary Forces, Russia. Russian St. George's Cross (fourth class). Residence at enlistment: 191 Lawton Avenue, Detroit, Michigan.

William Clarence Shaughnessy, 2042553, corporal, Headquarters Company, 339th Infantry, 85th Division, American Expeditionary Forces, Russia. British Military Medal, List No. 55, dated January 9, 1920, British War Office. Residence at enlistment: 185 Beaufait Avenue, Detroit, Michigan.

Walter A. Springsteen, 2041721, private, first class, Headquarters Company, 339th Infantry, 85th Division, American Expeditionary Forces, Russia. British Distinguished Conduct Medal, List No. 55, dated January 9, 1920, British War Office. Residence at enlistment: 1282 Fourteenth Avenue, Detroit, Michigan.

Henry Senhouse Steele, first lieutenant, 339th Infantry, 85th Division, American Expeditionary  Forces, Russia. British Military Cross. Residence at appointment: 800 Emerson Avenue, Saginaw, Michigan.

Frank Stepnavski, 2032948, private, Company M, 339th Infantry, 85th Division, American Expeditionary Forces, Russia. Russian Medal of St. Stanislaus (silver). Residence at enlistment: Detroit, Michigan.

Joseph Steyskal, 2032931, corporal, Company K, 339th Infantry, 85th Division, American Expeditionary Forces, Russia. British Military Medal, List No. 55, dated January 9, 1920, British War Office: "For bravery in action during the taking of Kodish, December 30, 1918. He repeatedly stood up in an exposed position and fired a Lewis automatic rifle, while being subjected to a  heavy enemy machine-gun and rifle fire. His brave conduct was an example to the men serving with him, largely contributing to driving the enemy out of Kodish and the taking of that town by our troops." Residence at enlistment: 821 Michigan Avenue, Detroit, Michigan.

Lewis E. Stover, 2031652, sergeant, Company B, 310th Engineers, 85th Division, American Expeditionary Forces, Russia. British Military Medal, List No. 55, dated January 9, 1920, British War Office. Residence at enlistment: 790 Lycost Avenue, Detroit,  Michigan.

Albert V. Tibbals, 2031507, sergeant, Company A, 310th Engineers, 85th Division, American Expeditionary Forces, Russia. British Distinguished Conduct Medal, List No. 55, dated January 9, 1920, British War Office. Residence at enlistment: Beaverton, Michigan.

Edward P. Trombley, 2020831, sergeant, Company A, 339th Infantry, 85th Division, American Expeditionary Forces, Russia. British Military Medal, List No. 55, dated January 9, 1920, British War Office: "At Ust Padenga on 19th of January, 1919, while under heavy enemy fire he advanced between the lines to rescue wounded comrades. He continued his courageous work until all had been rescued. He was afterwards wounded by enemy fire, but continued at his duties until relieved." Residence at enlistment: 86 West Elizabeth Street, Detroit, Michigan.

James R. Waggener, 2022162, private, Headquarters Company, 339th Infantry, 85th Division, American Expeditionary Forces, Russia. British Military Medal. Residence at enlistment: 26 West Alexandrine Avenue, Detroit, Michigan.

George M. Walker, 2021732, corporal, Company K, 339th Infantry, 85th Division, American Expeditionary Forces, Russia. British Distinguished Conduct Medal, List No. 55, dated January 9, 1920, British War Office. Residence at enlistment: 759 Antionette Street, Detroit, Michigan.

Floyd A. Wallace, 2020909, sergeant, 339th Infantry, 85th Division, American Expeditionary Forces, Russia. British Distinguished Conduct Medal. Residence at enlistment: 108 Bowen Avenue, Battle Creek, Michigan.

Fred W. Wilkie, 2051571, corporal, Company K, 339th Infantry, 85th Division, American Expeditionary Forces, Russia. British Military Medal, List No. 55, dated January 9, 1920, British War Office. Residence at enlistment: New Baltimore, Michigan.  

Fred W. Wolfe, 2021728, sergeant, Company K, 339th Infantry, 85th Division. American Expeditionary Forces, Russia. British Distinguished Conduct Medal, List No. 55, dated January 9, 1920, British War Office. Residence at enlistment: 549 Stanley Avenue, Detroit, Michigan.

George Yohey, 2022117, corporal, Headquarters Company, 339th Infantry, 85th Division, American Expeditionary Forces, Russia. British Military Medal, List No. 55, dated January 9, 1920, British War Office. Residence at enlistment: 210 Lireman Avenue, Detroit, Michigan.

Norman H. Zapfe, 2021919, sergeant, Company M, 339th Infantry, 85th Division, American Expeditionary Forces, Russia. Russian St. George's Cross (fourth class). Residence at enlistment: Williamston, Michigan.

Theodore J. Zech, 2021920, private, company M, 339th Infantry, 85th Division, American Expeditionary Forces, Russia. Russian St. George's Cross (fourth class). Residence at enlistment: 415 Buena Vista Avenue, Detroit, Michigan.

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(a) "The American Expedition Fighting the Bolsheviki", edited by J.R. Moore, H.H. Mead and L.E. Jahns, originally published in 1920, reprinted in 2003 by "The Battery Press"
(b) "Quartered in Hell: The Story of the American North Russia Expeditionary Force 1918-1919," by Dennis Gordon (Editor), Paperback: 320 pages, Publisher: Gordon, Otoupalik, and Schultz (G.O.S.), (January 1982), ISBN: 0942258002.
(c) "Michigan in the World War", by Charles H Landrum, MA, Published 1924. (citation transcriptions courtesy of Sue DeHaan)




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